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City of Alma, Wabaunsee County, Kansas

National Register of Historic Places Nomination: Stuewe House - Significant for its association with the early development of Alma and as the location of the Stuewe Brothers Creamery. Brothers Albert and Ferdinand Stuewe purchased a small limestone house (c. 1873) on the west edge of Alma in 1884 where they operated their creamery and cattle businesses for fifty years. The current appearance of the house dates to 1885 when the brothers built a two-story addition.

Wabaunsee County KS Web Sites

Patrick Schmidt for Kansas 2nd District Congress

Chris Mann for Kansas Attorney General

Rev. Mark Holland, US Senate, Kansas

Laura Kelly, Kansas Governor

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Old West Kansas

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One Room School Houses

Northeast Kansas Towns

Site maintained by George Laughead, MPMA Technology Committee. Site established 1993. Thanks to Lynn H. Nelson, who explains HNSource, the first history site on the WWW

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