Why Rosemont possesses advantages not enjoyed by other cities that are starting in different parts of the country.
It is located on the K.N.& D.R.R., ten miles north of Waverly, nine miles south of Quenemo, six miles west of Williamsburg, and thirteen southeast of Lyndon, the county seat of Osage County. In a country that has been settled for the last twenty years. Consequently its people have passed beyond the stages of struggling existence and arrived at that happy period of comparative independence, if not "opulence" of life, which is the result of years of hard honest work, toil, and privation, and are in a condition today to build up a city that shall be looked at by the outside world with wonder, and pointed at as the crowning climax of true western energy.
To anyone who wishes for a business opening, there is no town or city that offers greater inducements than does Rosemont today. Surrounded as it is by a rich agricultural country, situated in one of the most healthful regions of our great American republic; it possesses all the advantages of an old settled country to support it, with none of the drawbacks common to new towns started in a new country without settlements.
Come one! come all! Bring your families with you and make your future home on one of the brightest spots on earth. Our latch string is on the outside, and a hearty welcome is extended to all, be you merchant, mechanic, laborer, or professional. We will extend the right hand of fellowship and make you happy.
Bring good Dry Goods houses, First Class Groceries, Boot and shoe house, Hardware and implement house, Drug stores, etc. One of the best points in the state to start a bank. Fine opening for Blacksmiths and wagon makers, shoemakers, and in fact mechanics of all kinds will find plenty of work to do, and can in a short time build themselves beautiful and comfortable homes.
In connection with all other advantages, fire clay has been found in inexhaustible quantity, with which, Rosemont seems sure to develop one large Fire Brick, Tile, and Pottery works, which will be in full operation in the near future, giving employment to a large force of both skilled and unskilled laborers. A bed of this most valuable product eighteen feet thick underlies the town; also, immediately over laying this bed of clay is a vein of excellent coal which not only insures cheap fuel for the city, but will insure the Fire, Brick, Tile and Pottery works. A cheap fuel for producing the products of fire Clay, which enters largely into the cost of the wares.
In addition to the fire, clay, and coal, another product, Slips, used for glazing Pottery, is also found directly over the coal. With a bed of slips eighteen inches thick, (the only deposit of its kind in the United States), coal thirty inches thick and a bed of Pottery Clay eighteen feet thick located in a country that within a hundred miles there is annually used thousands of car loads of Tiling, to say nothing of the growing demand for Fire-Brick, and the thousands of dollars worth of Pottery used every week. We say, without fear of contradiction, that within two years this industry alone will give employment to five hundred men, and support two thousand people.
About one hundred twenty lots have been sold in the last two months and some of the finest improvements in the state are now under course of construction.
With these facts assured, will you join hands with us, and help with your brains and hands build up a city that will be all that this picture paints it.